愛因斯坦(Albert Einstein,1879-1955),說過:「專家不過是訓練有素的
狗..」(*註1) 單車牌也是,怎麼說呢?來看VCR..
東西放久了果然是會有靈性... 這副牌跟了我也有好幾個月,最近似乎有靈性似
的,可以自動幫我找到觀眾的牌.. 這也不賴,省了我找牌的時間..:p
狗..」(*註1) 單車牌也是,怎麼說呢?來看VCR..
的,可以自動幫我找到觀眾的牌.. 這也不賴,省了我找牌的時間..:p
*註1:其實愛因斯坦原文的本義並不是那個意思.. 原文:It is essential that the
student acquires an understanding of and a lively feeling for values. He
must acquire a vivid sense of the beautiful and of the morally good.
Otherwise he----with his specialized knowledge----more closely resembles
a well-trained dog than a harmoniously developed person.